Expect the Unexpected

Everyone talks about life in college, but no one talks about life after college in your 20s. There's so much pressure to feel like you need to have it all together, but guess what, people 10 years older than us are still trying to figure life out. All we can do is take a step and hope it leads us to where we want to go.

Starting is Hard

Have you ever gotten a great idea and wanted so badly to pursue it, or a passion that you want to see come to life but don't know how to go about doing that? Well I'm there right with you. I've been looking at my life as a recent (4 months ago) college grad and... Continue Reading →

Wondrously Mundane

So it's been a few years...literally, and life has changed. Over this past weekend, I got to be a part of a 2-day retreat with a program called Act One up in Hollywood. It is a Christian film program that lasts throughout the summer. I'm not going to lie, I was not super thrilled to... Continue Reading →

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